QTranslate 6.5.1 免安裝中文版 - 輕巧好用的線上翻譯軟體


輕巧好用的線上翻譯軟體 - QTranslate,可以針對單字或者文章進行線上翻譯,自動偵測來源文字語言,先將要翻譯的文字反白,按下「Ctrl + Q」快速鍵進行翻譯,按「Ctrl + E」可以發音,連按兩次「Ctrl」可以呼叫主程式視窗,支援的線上翻譯詞庫有:Google Translate、Bing Translator、Promt、Babylon、SDL FreeTranslation.com、Yandex.Translate、youdao、Baidu。()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

QTranslate is a free translator for Windows. With this small utility, you simply select the text you want to translate and then press the hot key (Ctrl+Q to show translation in the popup window or Double Ctrl click to show the translation in the main window). The program also has the ability to speak text (Ctrl+E) and perform a dictionary search (Win+Q). Also, you can open the main window and type text manually.

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