Pokki - 在電腦上玩手機遊戲(Android/iOS) (解壓縮密碼 azo)


在Windows上玩手機App或遊戲 - ,利用自行開發的程式封裝技術將App Store或Google Play中的App轉換到「」上,讓你就算沒有智慧型手機也可以用電腦玩熱門的手機遊戲,如:Angry Birds、The Godfather、Facebook、Gmail...等等,程式的通知功能相當實用,例如Gmail一有新信件就會馬上提醒;安裝後在螢幕左下角會出現選單小圖示,開啟後按「Browse App Store」就可以進入「」下載免費的程式,安裝的程式都會自動在工作列產生捷徑小圖示,方便直接開啟。()()

Pokki brings your favorite apps to your PC. Hundreds of free desktop apps - Fun and convenient desktop versions of the most popular apps and games are available for free in the Pokki App Store. Real-time notifications - Stay informed with notifications from your favorite apps keeping you up to date on your emails, tweets and more.


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