Andy 46.4.301 - Android模擬器 類似BlueStacks、Genymotion


Android模擬器 - Andy(HandyAndy),類似BlueStacks、Genymotion的安卓模擬器,同樣運用VirtualBox模擬器技術,可以在玩遊戲時使用手機遠端遙控、從電腦安裝遊戲或手機通訊軟體(如:神魔之塔、LINE、WhatsApp、Viber)、不需要無線或有線的傳輸就能夠把APP從電腦傳到手機上、不再受限於行動裝置的有限記憶體,可以直接從Play商店下載程式。()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7(64位元)
關鍵字:HandyAndy, andyroid,andy os, 安迪安卓模擬器

Andy - The Android Emulator.
- Use your phone as a remote control when playing games.
- Run all your communication apps from your desktop (snapchat, Viber, whatsapp etc).
- Seamless transition of apps from PC to mobile device without the hassle of wireline or wireless connection.
- No longer be bogged down by the limited storage on your mobile device or PC hard drive wireless connection.


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