Physion 1.2.0 免安裝版 - 2D物理動向模擬軟體


2D物理動向模擬軟體 - Physion,可以利用此軟體製作出虛擬物理動作實驗,在教室裡驗證一些基本的物理概念,使用者可以自由創造各種遵照物理定律的實體物件(圓形、多邊形、齒輪等)以及關節(彈簧、滑輪等),透過創造各種不同的場景來完成複雜的物理實驗。()()

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Physion Portable - Physics Simulation Software. Physion is a 2D Physics simulation software. It can be used to easily create a wide range of interactive physics simulations and educational experiments. Teachers may find it particularly useful since it can be used as a virtual physics laboratory through which they can demonstrate some basic physics concepts in the classroom.


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