Diagram Designer 1.29.1 免安裝中文版 - 免費流程圖軟體 網路拓樸圖軟體 取 代VISIO

Diagram Designer

類似VISIO的免費流程圖軟體、網路拓樸圖軟體 - Diagram Designer,可以繪製流程圖、UML標準圖形,並以幻燈片模式顯示的簡易向量繪圖軟體,可以客製化模板物件並自己下載新增樣板物件(如:Cisco網路拓樸圖 Cisco Network Topology Icons),就功能面來說已經相當接近微軟的VISIO了!支援匯入或匯出的圖片格式:WMF、EMF、BMP、JPEG、PNG、MNG、ICO、GIF、PCX。()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2000/ME/98(32及64位元)

Simple vector graphics editor for creating flowcharts, UML class diagrams, illustrations and slide shows.
- Customizable template object palette.
- Spellchecker (see below about dictionaries).
- Import/export WMF, EMF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, MNG, ICO, GIF and PCX images.
- Slide show viewer.
- Simple graph plotter to plot mathematical expressions.
- Advanced "pocket" calculator with equation solver.
- MeeSoft Image Analyzer integration for bitmap image editing and extended file format support.
- Uses compressed file format for minimizing drawing file size.

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