Advanced SystemCare Free 中文版 - 免費電腦加速軟體

Advanced SystemCare Free

Advanced SystemCare Free
免費電腦最佳化軟體 - Advanced SystemCare,有惡意程式掃描、登錄檔修復、修復無效捷徑、清除上網記錄、清除垃圾檔,還有檔案抹除、搜尋重複檔案...等功能。(阿榮)(下載)(購買

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:asc, iobit advanced systemcare pro, advanced system care

[2011.05.15] 修正 Windows 7 沒有預設顯示為中文的問題,若之前安裝過,請先刪除舊的再裝。
[2011.08.24] 修正阿榮版工具箱無法開啟的問題。
[2012.03.02] IObit為答謝「阿榮福利味」對於「Advanced SystemCare」的推廣,特別致贈30組「Advanced SystemCare PRO」免費序號給讀者!贈獎辦法請按此
[2012.12.27] 因為有多數讀者在移除免安裝版時產生障礙,甚至於重灌!所以即日起暫停免安裝版製作及下載。
[2013.12.11] 感謝原廠通知改版訊息。

Advanced SystemCare Free (formerly Advanced WindowsCare Personal) has a one-click approach to help protect, repair, clean, and optimize your PC. With over 100 MILLION downloads since 2006, this fantastic, award-winning, freer PC repair software is a "must-have" tool for your computer. 100% safe with no adware, spyware, or viruses; a PC maintenance program that's incredibly easy to use.


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