EagleGet 獵鷹下載器 免安裝中文版 - 取代FlashGet的下載工具

EagleGet 獵鷹下載器

EagleGet 獵鷹下載器
取代FlashGet的下載工具 - EagleGet 獵鷹下載器,介面設計簡潔、無廣告,很像早期的FlashGet,支援HTTP、HTTPS、FTP、MMS、RTSP協定的連結下載,「視訊偵測器」功能可以輸入線上影片網址來下載影片,是第一個支援自動重新整理過期下載連結的下載器,使用多線程下載技術來加速檔案下載,也能夠監控剪貼簿下載連結,整合IE、Firefox、Chrome、Opera瀏覽器的下載功能。(阿榮)(何雨忻推薦)(下載

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:EagleGetPortable, eagleget, eagle get

- EagleGet Portable is a free all-in-one download manager; it supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS and RTSP protocol as well as popular online video websites.
- EagleGet can be integrated to Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, and uses multi-threaded technology to boost downloads.
- EagleGet has many advantages compared to other similar products. For example, EagleGet has ad-free video sniffer, and EagleGet is the first freeware download manager that supports automatic refresh expired download links.
- EagleGet has visually appealing interface, and it’s completely free without any virus, malware or spyware.

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