qBittorrent 4.1.1 免安裝中文版 - 取代uTorrent的BT下載器


BT下載軟體 - qBittorrent,它就像是自由軟體界的uTorrent,不僅功能幾乎一模一樣!未下載完畢的暫存檔還可以由uTorrent接手續傳,支援Unicode,可以設定下載完畢時自動關機、設定上傳下載限速、對種子下標籤、遠端遙控模組(Web UI)...等等,只是它的上傳速限控制不太準確,分享出去的上傳頻寬會比實際設定的多。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

[2012.07.06] 免安裝版因為無法記憶語系設定值,所以暫時無法切換為中文語系。
[2012.11.23] 3.0.6 免安裝已修正無法記憶語系的問題,下載後請參考教學自行切換為中文。
[2013.10.23] 感謝讀者「幻塵」通知改版訊息。

- Simultaneous download of multiple torrents
- Integrated torrent search engine
- Integrated RSS feed reader and downloader
- Good internationalization
- DHT, PeX, Encryption, LSD, UPnP, NAT-PMP
- Cross platform (Linux, Mac Os, Windows)
- Very lightweight
- Torrent queueing and prioritizing
- Control over files in a torrent (filtering, prioritizing)
- Nice μTorrent-like interface with Qt4 toolkit (qBittorrent v2.x)
- IP filtering (eMule dat files or PeerGuardian files)
- Peer display with country and hostname resolution (qBittorrent v2.x)
- Advanced control over torrent trackers (qBittorrent v2.x)
- μTorrent peer id spoofing to avoid tracker blacklisting
- Closest open source equivalent to μTorrent (qBittorrent v2.x)
- Torrent creation tool
- Remote control through Secure Web User Interface


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免安裝版 [4.1.1] [更多舊版]
安裝版 [4.1.1] [更多舊版]

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