QuiteRSS 0.18.10 免安裝中文版 - 取代Google Reader的RSS閱讀器 免費可攜自 由軟體

quiterss portable

方便又實用的RSS Reader - QuiteRSS,特色有:支援標籤功能、RSS內容的中文關鍵字搜尋、對重要內容加星號或上標籤、標示為已讀或未讀、以預設瀏覽器開啟、新文章的聲音或訊息提醒、OPML匯入及匯出、內建Webkit核心瀏覽器、可攜式軟體...等等,在Google Reader關閉之後,找不到更好的RSS閱讀工具,可以選擇這一套。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

QuiteRSS Portable(quite-rss) - RSS/Atom feed reader written on Qt/С++, Quite fast and comfortable to user.
- Feed and news filters: new, unread, starred, deleted (for news until restart application)
- User filters
- Proxy configuration: automatic or manual
- Feed import wizard: Search feed URL if site URL was entered
- Embedded browser (Webkit core)
- Mark news starred
- Automatic update feeds: on startup, by timer
- Automatic cleanup on close using criterias
- Enable/Disable images in news preview
- Ability to quickly hide feed tree (for comfortable viewing)
- Open feed or news in own tab
- Quick news filter and quick search in browser
- Sound notification on new news
- Popup notification on new news
- Show new or unread news counter on tray icon
- Minimize on system tray: on start, on close, on minimize
- Import/Export feeds (OPML-files)
- Portable (Windows)
- Free working set (Windows)
- Shortcuts
- Check for updates
- Cross-platform
- Multilingual
- Open-source ;)

[2013.08.31] 發現可攜版(0.13.3版)有問題,目前無法直接以轉移「Data」資料夾方式保留原設定,升級前請自行用匯出方式備份。
[2014.03.07] 改採官方免安裝版,使用舊版的讀者請以匯出匯入Feeds的方式更新。

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免安裝版 [0.18.10] [下載舊版]

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