ChromeCookiesView 1.46 免安裝中文版 - Google瀏覽器Cookie管理軟體

Google瀏覽器Cookie管理程式 - ChromeCookiesView,可以刪除及檢視安裝版及免安裝版Chrome瀏覽器的Cookie,預設會開啟安裝版的Cookie,若是免安裝版,則需於進階設定中將路徑指向「GoogleChromePortableDataprofileDefaultCookies」檔案。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

ChromeCookiesView is an alternative to the standard internal cookies viewer of Google Chrome Web browser. it displays the list of all cookies stored by Google Chrome Web browser, and allows you to easily delete unwanted cookies. It also allows you export the cookies into text/csv/html/xml file.
For every cookie, the following information is displayed: Host Name, Path, Name, Value, Secure (Yes/No), HTTP Only Cookie (Yes/No), Last Accessed Time, Creation Time, Expiration Time.

[2015.07.30] 1.15版起官方提供繁體中文語系。

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