PDF Page Lock 中文版 - PDF頁面鎖

PDF頁面鎖 - PDF Page Lock,具有可以鎖住或隱藏PDF檔中指定頁面的獨特功能,開啟PDF檔後,分別指定要鎖定或隱藏的頁面(可以選擇多個頁面),再設定一組管理密碼後儲存或另存新檔,被上鎖的頁面會顯示已被上鎖的訊息(This page has been LOCKED),而被隱藏的頁面會直接消失隱藏,只有再用此軟體輸入密碼來開啟,才能夠解鎖及還原。()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:PDFPageLock, PDFPageLockPortable

- Lock PDF Pages: Readers would be unable to see the content on locked PDF pages, which only display as Blank with Locked icons.
- Hide PDF Pages: PDF Page Lock could hide your classified PDF pages and then those pages would be Totally Invisible & Inaccessiable in the PDF file.
- Password Protection: You can set a password for the PDF file while saving the locked PDF file. No one could unlock the PDF document without your password.
- Targeted Protection: Unlike normal PDF encrypting programs, PDF Page Lock only locks or hides important PDF pages you want to protect, and leaves other pages public and visible.


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