Ashampoo Photo Commander 16.0.3 中文版 - 多功能照片處理軟體

Ashampoo Photo Commander

多功能照片處理軟體 - Ashampoo Photo Commander,支援含背景音樂的投影片播放功能,可以直接把照片儲存成PDF檔,功能還有:比較圖片的差異、為照片上標籤、圖片編輯及剪裁、套用特殊效果、製作及列印相片日曆或賀卡、加入文字註解或圖形標記。()()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Ashampoo Photo Commander - the ultimate in photo management. Effortlessly browse through large photo collections and remove annoying image defects on the fly. Optimize color and contrast settings and make your photos shine. Get creative and bring your photos to life with professional image effects and surprise your friends with self-made calendars, collages and greeting cards.


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