MACAddressView 1.40 免安裝中文版 - 查MAC位址的免費軟體


幫你查出網路卡的MAC Address - MACAddressView,網路卡就像身份證一樣,都有一個獨一無二的編號叫做MAC Address,而利用DOS指令就可以查詢出來(),而此軟體讓你不用打指令,開啟後按「我的MAC地址」就可以查MAC位址,還可以顯示製造商、製造廠地址、產地等訊息。()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

MACAddressView is a MAC address lookup tool that allows you to easily find the company details (company name, address, and country) according to the MAC address of a product.
MACAddressView also allows you to find MAC address records according to the company name, company address, or country name. After finding the desired MAC address records, you can save them into text/xml/HTML/csv file or copy them to the clipboard and paste them into Excel or other applications.

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